PT Pupuk Kujang was established on June 9, 1975 with funds of U.S. $ 260 million is a loan from the Government of Iran for U.S. $ 200 million, and Government Equity (PMP), Indonesia for U.S. $ 60 million. Loans to the Government of Iran has been settled in 1989.
Kujang Fertilizer plant first and then given the name Plant Kujang 1A with a production capacity of 570,000 tons / year of urea and 330,000 tons / year of ammonia construction is undertaken by main contractor Kellogg Overseas Corporation (USA) and Toyo Engineering Corporation (Japan). Plant Development Kujang 1A is successfully built over 36 months and was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on December 12, 1978.
In line with its development at the age of the older plant, bringing the consequences of the imposition of the higher maintenance costs and down time which has increased as well. Combating these problems requires substantial funds mainly for replacement and reconditioning some core equipment. To anticipate the problem of PT Pupuk Kujang has prepared an action plan so that the continuity of the business can continue running. One plan that was implemented was the replacement of the urea reactor in 2001 and construction of factory Kujang 1B. Plant Development Kujang 1B with a production capacity of 570,000 tons / year of urea and 330,000 tons / year of ammonia carried by the main contractor Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC), Japan and supported by two (2) contractors in the country, PT Engineering Industries and PT Inti Karya Persada technique. Plant Development Kujang 1B taken within 36 months, starting on October 1, 2003 to September 6, 2005. Apart from the equity owned by PT Pupuk Kujang, project funding is obtained from the loan Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) amounting to JPY 27,048,700,000. 1B Kujang Factory Inauguration by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on April 3, 2006.
The main raw material in urea production is natural gas, water and air. The three raw materials are processed to produce ammonia and finally into urea. Natural gas supply comes from private gas company Pertamina and the other taken from the sea off the coast of Java, while the raw water taken from Perum Jasa Tirta II Jatiluhur-Purwakarta.
To utilize excess Kujang Fertilizer Plant operation, he built several subsidiaries which is a joint venture with the private sector in the country and abroad. Currently, PT Pupuk Kujang have 5 (five) a subsidiary which is a joint venture with private parties, namely: PT survive Kurama Prime producing formic acid, PT Multi Nitrotama Chemicals which produce Ammonium Nitrate and Nitric Acid, PT Indonesia Pratama manufactures Hydrogen Peroxide Peroxide, PT Kujang Sud-Chemie Catalysts which manufactures catalysts, and the latter is PT Kujang Cikampek Industrial Area which manages land in the Area of ??PT Pupuk Kujang.
Given the cost of urea production was still higher than the highest retail price (HET), the Government is providing subsidy through the Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 122/KMK.02/2006 dated December 7, 2006, on Procedures of Calculation and Payment of Fertilizer Subsidy budget year 2006 to change the pattern of subsidies to subsidized gas prices, the price subsidy is the amount of subsidy from the Government of the fertilizer industry is all the production costs including raw material prices principal components of natural gas plus a margin of 10% and distribution costs reduced by highest retail price.
Accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 07/MDAG/PER/2/2009, about changes in the marketing area of ??urea fertilizer subsidy for the agricultural sector, starting from March 1, 2009 the distribution of responsibility PT Pupuk Kujang into West Java Province II includes 20 District / Town and part of Central Java Province covers 3 Regency / City of Tegal regency, Tegal, and Brebes.
The strategic position of the Company located in West Java Province and adjacent to the capital city of Jakarta to be one challenge, given the West Java as the national granary should be supported with an adequate supply of fertilizers so that the National Food Security can be guaranteed. Regarding the price, highest retail price of urea fertilizer subsidy based on the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture. 32/Permentan/SR.130/4/2010 is Rp. 1.600/Kg. While ammonia, which is an excess of ammonia production is processed into urea, mostly channeled to PT Multi Nitrotama Chemistry and some are marketed to the region of West Java, East Java and exported in small parties (small cargo)
Nurses (5 positions)
- Cover letter
- Biodata
- Curriculum Vitae
- Nurse diploma
- Healthy Letter
- Application Letter
- Certificates of nurse / paramedic
- Computer Certificates
- Photograph 4×6 (2 pieces)
Interested candidates please sent the application by mail no later than March 31, 2011 to:
Direktur Utama
c.q. Manager SDM PT. Pupuk Kujang
Jln. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 39
Cikampek Kab. Karawang 41373
c.q. Manager SDM PT. Pupuk Kujang
Jln. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 39
Cikampek Kab. Karawang 41373
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