PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) As a state owned company (BUMN) engaged in insurance that has a brilliant business performance in Indonesia, the entire stake in PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) is owned by the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, the passage of time has proved that PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) or known by Asuransi Jasindo, does have a powerful experience, long and mature in the field of General Insurance and even since the colonial era. This experience gives the value of its own initiative for the existence and growth of Asuransi Jasindo performance to date, so it succeeded in gaining public confidence both at home and abroad.
Bagi Anda yang mempunyai jiwa marketing dan menyukai tantangan, bergabunglah dengan Asuransi Jasindo sebagai :
Marketing Agency (Sulawesi Utara – Manado)
- Memasarkan produk – produk asuransi kerugian
- Menyukai tantangan dan target
- Berjiwa marketing dan berkepribadian menarik
- Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
- Mempunyai networking yang luas khususnya di asuransi
- Min. SMA
Interested candidate, please follow this link below for apply :
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