Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

CPNS : Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) - Taruna Akpol

Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia
Membuka Pendaftaran Taruna Akademi Polisi TA 2011
Persyaratan Umum :
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia
  2. Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
  3. Setia kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945
  4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani (surat keterangan sehat dari institusi kesehatan)
  5. Tidak pernah dipidana karena melakukan suatu kejahatan
  6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia dan bersedia ditugaskan pada semua bidang tugas kepolisian
Persyaratan lengkap
Jadwal penerimaan taruna akpol
  1. 10 Mei-3 Juni 2011 : Pendaftaran
  2. 10 Mei-7 Juni 2011 : Rikmin Awal
  3. 8 Juni 2011 : Pengumuman Rikmin Awal
  4. 9 – 20 Juni 2011 : Rikkes 1

BUMN : Garuda Indonesia - Marketing, Sales and Financial Analyst

Garuda Indonesia adopted a Human Capital Management approach which perceives employees as assets with high levels of competitiveness. Engaged in the service industry, Garuda Indonesia acknowledges the importance of human resources in creating a strong and sustainable corporate performance. Therefore, since 2005 the Company has actively redefined its policies and human resources systems in order to be aligned with the Company’s grand strategy and objectives. For Garuda Indonesia, people have always been the main priority. Employees can be viewed as human capital, implying that Garuda Indonesia’s employees have knowledge, skills and potential work habits that can support the Company’s productivity. In order to become valuable capital with a strong contribution to the organization, every employee has to have a healthy work spirit and hence will be competent enough for the organization.
Job Vacancy
List of available job opportunity in Garuda Indonesia
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Usia max. 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. S1 dari Universitas terkemuka
  • Jurusan Ekonomi / Manajemen Pemasaran
  • Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang Marketing & Sales min. 2 tahun

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

BUMN : PT Wijaya Karya - Management Trainee

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), or commonly named WIKA, one of the state owned enterprise. The continuous growth, which PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Indonesia has established for more than forty years, is a succsess story that reflects the towering commitment and hard work of its workforce.
Management Trainee
1. Pendidikan S1
  • Teknik Sipil
  • Teknik Mesin
  • Teknik Elektro
  • SHE / K3
  • Ekonomi Akuntansi
2. Fresh Graduate
3. Jenis kelamin diutamakan pria
4. Usia maks. 28 th
5. IPK min. 2,75
6. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan (Nilai setara TOEFL min. 420)
7. Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya