Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

BUMN : Bank BRI - Resident Auditor

Bank Rakyat Indonesia’s vision is to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction. BRI missions is to achieve the vision, BRI has decided on trhree missions that have to be undertaken, namely: BRI provides the best banking operation by prioritizing services for Micro, Small, and Medium Businesses in order to support people’s economy. BRI offers sevices to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce optimal benefits to all stakeholders

BANK BRI provides an opportunity to the professionals who can speak English very well (at least passive), to operate a computer, have integrity, discipline, motivation fixation and a high sense of responsibility, Berta bersedla placed in all work units BANK BRI for the following positions:

Resident Auditor

Personal Qualifications:

    * Education S2 or S1 from the Faculty of Economics
    * Age < 35 years old – GPA min. 2.75
    * English Language Proficiency
    * Working experience minimum 3 years experience as an Internal Auditor at Bank / Financial Institution,

BUMN : Garuda Indonesia - Sekretaris

Garuda Indonesia adopted a Human Capital Management approach which perceives employees as assets with high levels of competitiveness. Engaged in the service industry, Garuda Indonesia acknowledges the importance of human resources in creating a strong and sustainable corporate performance. Therefore, since 2005 the Company has actively redefined its policies and human resources systems in order to be aligned with the Company’s grand strategy and objectives. For Garuda Indonesia, people have always been the main priority. Employees can be viewed as human capital, implying that Garuda Indonesia’s employees have knowledge, skills and potential work habits that can support the Company’s productivity. In order to become valuable capital with a strong contribution to the organization, every employee has to have a healthy work spirit and hence will be competent enough for the organization.

Rekrutmen Tenaga Sekretaris di BUMN Garuda Indonesia



Persyaratan :

    * Wanita
    * Belum Menikah

BUMN : PT Pelindo I - Tenaga Calon Pandu

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) yang beroperasi di daerah Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, Kepri dan Sumatera Utara membutuhkan tenaga pandu dengan penjelasan sebagai berikut :

I. Persyaratan

    * Usia maksimum 35 tahun per 1 Juli 2011
    * Berijazah pelaut ahli nautika minimal ANT III
    * Pengalaman berlayar sebagai nakhoda minimal 3 (tiga) tahun
    * Mampu berbahasa Inggris (Aktif)
    * Tinggi badan minimal 162 cm
    * Sehat dan bebas Narkoba
    * Tidak buta warna dan visus normal (tidak berkaca mata positif dan atau negatif)
    * Bersediamenjalani ikatan dinas
    * Bersedia ditempatkan diwilayah kerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)

II. Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran dengan melampirkan :

    * Daftar riwayat hidup (curriculum vitae)
    * Fotocopy Ijazah yang dilegalisir
    * Fotocopy KTP yang masih berlaku
    * Fotocopy buku pelaut

BUMN : Pertamina - Multi Position

Opportunities within Pertamina are extremely wide because we operate such a diverse set of businesses: Exploration & Production, Refining, Distribution to Marketing of products, and geothermal. The efforts of our employees, at every level, contribute daily to the transformation of the company and the achievement of our strategic goals. At Pertamina, we invest in our future by investing in you. We are investing more than ever before in cultivating young talents, future leaders, with the task of steering Pertamina through the challenges ahead. We are also committed to advanced research and development, driven by cutting-edge technology.

A vital element in the transformation is a change in our culture. We are committed to continuously develop performance-focused culture. We give you the same opportunity to develop ideas, creativity, and innovation. We give you the opportunity to unleash your potential. We sure that you can give the best performance to the company.

We recruit talents and potential employees from:

    * Fresh graduates – Program for graduate starter are Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS), Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA), Bimbingan Praktis Ahli Teknik (BPAT). These programs provide class room, on-the-job training, a support network and an introduction to our company, our business and our values
    * Experienced professionals – to fulfill our need on particular expertise dan experience

Development Programs
Pertamina development programs begin on your first day and continue throughout your career. Our development programs includes as follows:

BUMN : PT Indosat - Multi Position

PT Indosat Tbk., formerly known as PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk. (Persero) is a provider of telecommunication services in Indonesia. It is the second largest telecommunication company for mobile services in Indonesia (Matrix,  Mentari and IM3). Currently, the composition of ownership of Indosat is: Qatar Telecom (65%), Public (20.1%), and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (14.9%). Indosat also listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

PT. Indosat Tbk is in immediate need for highly motivated and qualified professional staff to be positioned in :

Job Oppotunities…

   1. Administration
   2. Audit
   3. Business Development
   4. Customer Care
   5. Facilities & Site Management
   6. Finance
   7. General Management
   8. Graduate Opportunities
   9. Human Resources
  10. Information Technology